Understanding Attachment Theory

Building Secure Relationships

In this blog post I'm going to dive into attachment theory, helping you understand all your relationships. We'll explore why understanding attachment styles matters and how you can work towards achieving a secure attachment. Attachment theory is a powerful framework that examines the dynamics between a child and their primary caregiver, typically the mother. In this blog post, we'll explore the four main attachment styles: secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganised. If these terms sound overwhelming, don't worry – I'll break them down for you. If you want to explore this topic further, I have detailed resources available.

Attachment Theory: The Basics

Attachment theory is a psychological framework that examines the emotional bonds between a child and their primary caregiver. The primary caregiver, often the mother, plays a vital role in shaping a child's attachment style. These attachment styles significantly influence how individuals communicate, interact, and form relationships throughout their lives. Researchers have identified four main attachment styles:

  1. Secure Attachment
  2. Avoidant Attachment
  3. Ambivalent/Anxious Attachment
  4. Disorganised Attachment

Understanding your attachment style is essential because it sheds light on your emotional triggers, reactions, and behaviours in various relationships – be it in romantic partnerships, friendships, or even professional settings. It can help you comprehend why you react the way you do, why boundaries or empathy might be challenging, or why certain aspects of your romantic relationship feel complicated.

Secure Attachment: The Ideal Goal

Let's start with secure attachment. This is the gold standard. Securely attached individuals feel comfortable with intimacy and independence. They can rely on others and are comfortable with others relying on them. If you have a secure attachment style, you've probably experienced consistent care, emotional support, and understanding as a child. Achieving a secure attachment with your child involves being consistently available, meeting not only their physical but also their emotional needs. This means connecting with them emotionally, acknowledging their feelings, and actively engaging in open communication.

Ambivalent Attachment: The Anxious and Worrying Style

Ambivalent attachment is characterised by anxiety, clinginess, and a constant need for reassurance. If you have this attachment style and your child prefers someone else's company, you might start feeling anxious and question your worth in their eyes. This anxiousness can extend to romantic relationships, where you may constantly seek reassurance and struggle with perceived emotional distance.

Avoidant Attachment: The Emotional Detachment

Avoidant attachment individuals tend to avoid emotional situations and find it challenging to connect on an emotional level. If your child is needy or clingy, and you have an avoidant attachment style, you might feel a desire for them to be more independent or even wonder if you've done something wrong. Emotional range is limited for avoidant individuals, especially when it comes to "negative" emotions like sadness and anger. If you grew up in an environment where such emotions were suppressed, it can affect how you handle these emotions in your parenting journey.

Disorganised Attachment: The Unpredictable and Chaotic Style

Now, let's delve into disorganised attachment, which is often characterised by unpredictability and chaos in relationships. Individuals with disorganised attachment styles may have experienced inconsistent or even traumatic caregiving in childhood. As a result, they tend to exhibit contradictory behaviours and emotional responses in their relationships.

If you have a disorganised attachment style, you might find yourself torn between a desire for closeness and an instinct to pull away. This inner conflict can manifest in erratic behaviors in various relationships, making it challenging for both you and those around you to understand and predict your reactions.

In parenting, disorganised attachment can lead to moments of emotional turbulence. You may find it difficult to establish consistent routines and boundaries with your child, as you may struggle to regulate your emotions effectively. This inconsistency can be confusing and distressing for your child, as they may be unsure of what to expect from you.

In romantic relationships, disorganised attachment can result in a push-pull dynamic, where you crave intimacy but fear it simultaneously. You might have difficulty trusting others and allowing yourself to fully open up, often due to unresolved trauma or past experiences that left emotional scars.

Recognising and addressing disorganised attachment can be complex and often requires the support of a mental health professional. Therapy, particularly trauma-informed therapy, can be a valuable resource for individuals with disorganised attachment styles. Through therapy, you can begin to make sense of your past experiences, process unresolved trauma, and work towards establishing more stable and secure relationships.

Working Towards a Secure Attachment

Understanding your attachment style is the first step in making positive changes. While you can't change your past experiences, you can acknowledge them and choose to live differently. Recognising your attachment style allows you to focus your energy on personal growth and development. A secure attachment is not only beneficial in your relationship with your child but also influences your interactions with friends, colleagues, and romantic partners. Building a secure attachment with your child involves meeting their emotional needs, such as connecting on an emotional level, recognizing their feelings, and providing them with emotional support.

Resources for a Deeper Dive

For those interested in delving deeper into attachment theory, you can access my freebies where you'll find a free attachment style quiz to discover your attachment style. Once you've taken the quiz, you'll receive a series of videos that explain the various attachment styles. Additionally, my ebook, "Attachment Theory: A Simple Guide for Parents," covers these attachment styles in detail, providing insights into how they manifest in your relationships with your child, your romantic partner, and your colleagues. The ultimate goal is to develop a secure attachment.


Understanding attachment theory is a valuable tool in improving your relationships and emotional well-being. It enables you to identify your attachment style, uncover your triggers, and make conscious choices to enhance your connections with others. Building a secure attachment is not only essential for your relationship with your child but also plays a crucial role in friendships and professional relationships. By learning more about your attachment style and working towards security, you can enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

COURSE: Understanding Your Attachment Style

Explaining patterns in triggers, behaviours and relationships.


  • You will know about the 4 different Attachment Styles
  • You will have a better understanding of your Attachment Style and why this happened
  • You will be able to recognise your triggers
  • You will be able to better recognise Attachment patterns of behaviour within yourself and in those around you
  • You will have a list of practical ideas for how to develop a Secure Attachment within yourself and in those special relationships around you
  • You will understand your partner’s Attachment style and how to develop a Secure Attachment together

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